For a customer in the powder processing industry, we have designed a hygienic and solid stainless steel dumping cabinet for dumping Big Bags. In this case, the product flow had to be dumped in doses into an underlying bunker. This is made possible by a level sensor that controls the screw conveyor and valve. The entire setup is suitable for an application in an ATEX zone. Through a post-treatment, the surface roughness has been reduced to below 0.8 µm, so that bacterial growth is greatly reduced and cleaning is also easy. The stainless steel grid is mounted at an angle and equipped with a vibrating motor so that no product is left behind and lumpy product is also broken up. Extraction at the rear of the dumping cabinet ensures that swirling dust is extracted and the operator can carry out his work in a pleasant manner
Our customer is very satisfied with the dumping cabinet for dumping Big Bags because the design is completely tailored to his situation. The setup meets its requirements in terms of hygiene, ATEX zoning, ergonomics and safety. This makes the dumping cabinet not only solid and low-maintenance, but also a machine that operators can work with comfortably.